Anyway, I know you're all tired of me talking but this story really needs to be told.
1st things first - Friday was the UCD Ball - a 10 hour long concert on campus where you can't leave once you enter. So far the descriptive terms for the Ball that we've come up with are "freak show" and "parade of humanity."
Really...people wear the most ridiculous outfits (and I realllly mean it). The Irish also have no concept of pacing themselves which means that by 4pm people were passing out on the floor.
But really, here are the highlights of the ball for me - (mom, dad and aunty em please don;t freak out).
- I hit a guy -In fairness, he was trying to pry open the door to the port-a-potty while a girl was in there so I yelled "don't be an asshole" to him. But then he pushed in front of me and tried to break into the one that my roommate was in so my instant reaction was to protect her and so I slapped him as hard as I could and told him to "feck off." I'm still impressed he didn't hit me back BUT SERIOUSLY, what kind of perv tries to break into a bathroom when a girl is using it. And it's not that he needed to pee or anything...he was actually breaking into it to see the girl inside. And the worst part is he was with another guy and a girl and they didn't do anything to stop him. *shudders* THIS is why girls go in groups.
- By sheer accident we ended up at the very front when one of the performers came on (Vengaboys) and it was insane. So much so that the Gardai threatened to shut the party down early. Anyway, we were more of less trapped there (me, 2 of my roommates and 2 ND guys) and people were shoving so much that a huge mass of people fell at once. And yup, you guessed it, I ended up right at the bottom of the dogpile. Scariest.Experience.Ever. Thank God there was a guy down there with me and his knee was up (at an incredibly painful angle) so that my face wasn't crushed and I could breathe. My arms were pinned. After 5 layers of people got up I managed to get out. I was not thrilled to say the least. It still hurts every time I move my left shoulder.
- After a few more minutes of that insanity we decided to get the hell out and so one we all linked hands and I went in front basically faking an emergency to get people to move (I deserve an Oscar for my wide-eyed look of panic). THEN just as we make it out of the mass of people and are in the clear and allll safe, this guy swings his arm out to throw his coat over his shoulder and elbows me straight in the nose. The irony is staggering. That still hurts too by the way, but only when I touch it.
We saw a bunch of other stuff on the way but I will save that for when facebook is letting me upload photos again.
For now here's one of the rocky landscape of the Burren.
Now, if you'll notice the look of fear on Kristin's face on the realisation that the rocks just come apart in layers...well that's because we're currently standing on a rock ledge overlooking the water. Woops.