I have a curious predicament here. In some ways the reality of adulthood has only just hit me but in other ways I refuse to accept that I am an adult. I find it hard to believe that after adolescence comes adulthood. Surely someone must have come up with another step? What the hell have psychologists been doing with all their time? As a former psychology major I know how psych profiles work - tick the boxes and whichever category has more ticks is what you fall under. So, in light of that, I’ve come up with my own little list of reasons.
Reasons Ashley feels like an adult:
I am doing my Masters. Oh my God. In a few weeks I will be sitting in the Rare Books Room at thr British Library attempting to find a topic to research that no one else has ever done before.
I am living on my own (sort of) in London.
Almost everyone I’ve socialised with for the week is either 5, 14 or 35 years older than me.
Reasons Ashley does not feel like an adult:
I am jobless and completely dependent on my parents.
I am terrified of the idea that I may have to get married some day.
I miss playing with my Neopets.
So as you can tell, I’m kinda half-half on the adulthood issue. Crap.
Anyway, in slightly more relvant news, I have enrolled and am now officially a student at QMUL . There are SIX people total in my programme (though some of my classes will be a tiny bit bigger). Six people. Holy crap. My first class is on Monday and I already have hundreds of pages worth of reading to do. Sounds like a recipe for an exciting birthday.
And on that note, I’m off to go do more mind-numbing critical anaylsis. Yayyy.