Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Down time

The shock of living in Ireland has finally worn off.

Actually, it kind of all hit me in the face last night after talking to Toni-Marie & Nicolas and listening to Galway Girl ( my new favourite song -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFlfSeh-Ts8 it makes me cry what I can only assume are happy tears but may in fact be something totally different).

Anyway so there I was, in my bed and I suddenly realised "Holy Shit, I'm LIVING in Ireland for 5 months!" This was accompanied by such a jolt of mixed fear, excitement and home-sickness that made me more or less nearly fall out of my bed. I did manage to quickly recover from that excess energy and get some sleep.
Today though, the feeling is a lot different. The loneliness is starting to set in and I'm getting really antsy. I can't focus and I just really want to see either family or some friends from school or home.
That being said though, I am MUCH better here than I am at ND. The Irish are so much more like Trinidadians than Americans are. As Patrick put it, "it must be an island thing."
I'm a lot less home sick, a lot less culture shocked and a hell of a lot less depressed.

I'm going to try to force myself to focus on something so I'll try to make some progress on my short story that isn't really a short story. I'll explain eventually but it is a genre all of it's own.

Of course you know I love you all and, as you can tell, I MISS YOU!


  1. We love you back! (Psst - it's Karen)

  2. usa!!! usa!!! usa!!!!
    lol hahaha =P i don't even know why i do that, it's not like i'm super american or anything lolol it's just funny =P
    besides, according to your brother, i'm cubanaaaa right??? pero es una lastima que yo no sepa como preparar las empanadas!!! jajajaja
    sorry, i'm trying to avoid doing my hw :x

  3. speaking as someone who spent 5 months in London, that time is going to go by RIDIKK-U-LUS-LY fast. Miss you, love you :)


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