Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sometimes I even worry myself...

After just one week I must conclude that Dublin is putting me at risk of forming some incredibly maladaptive habits. The main concern being that I just spent my Wednesday night in a pub only to return to my room with a friend and pop a bottle of cider while making grilled cheese sandwiches. While that's no problem right now, because my weekend officially starts on Wednesday at 8, I really hope this doesn't become a habit.

On another note, Dublin has also made me fundamentally question what I want out of life. I was browsing the basement of a bookstore that was filled with classics for 3 or 4 euro each and I realised that there was a genuine concern that, should I live here, I might actually be at risk of simply buying dozens of these books, quitting my job and becoming a recluse.
From this I decided that my new (though admittedly impractical) goal in life is to be independently wealthy so that I can live in a cozy house and lock myself away for extended periods of time with a giant stack of books. Then, when I feel like it, I can invite all the great intellectuals of our time over for tea and discussions.
Finally, just for good measure, I will further increase my eccentricities by becoming a part-time nudist. How liberating!

Okay, now that you've all gotten over the shock (hopefully) of my last sentence (also, I think it's odd that "gotten" follows different grammatical rules in American and British English) I'm onto a new unrelated topic.
I am praying with all my might that my English professor recovers from his operation quickly and comes to teach us because I will punch myself if I made it all the way to Ireland and never got to meet Seamus Deane. He's often reffered to as "the smartest man in Ireland" and he probably is. He also stopped writing poetry when he was a young boy because he thought his best friend was the better poet. That best friend was SEAMUS HEANEY!!!!!! *squeals* And they're STILL best friends! *jumps up and down*
Anyway...I'm officially Seamus Deane's newest fan and I reallllly want to meet him. He's an expert on almost everything and there's not a single person who doesn't feel completely humbled in his presence. I AM SO EXCITED! Sadly, he missed class yesterday because he's 70 and just had an operation. :( I hope he comes out to work soon!!! :(


  1. Ummm let me know when you plan on pursuing Plan Recluse, and I will come crash. and mooch off your wealth. muahahaha.

    and your habits could be worse - I have been rather unsuccessful in all attempts thus far to ignore the large quantities of super cute, delicious looking but very pricey strawberry cakes.

  2. true. You're more than welcome to mooch. Also, gahhh SEAMUS HEANEY! I think only you could truly appreciate that part. hahaYAYY BEOWULF!

  3. dudeee i read a novel by seamus deane and it was awesome!!! it was called reading in the dark and it's one of my favorite books =D and seamus heaney is an awesome poet...especially "digging" needless to say i'm super jealous of you lol. i wanna talk to seamus deane and tell him how much i enjoyed his book!! seriously, you should read it. or if you talk to him tell him one of your best friends loved his book reading in the dark =P i'm sure he'll get a kick out of that

  4. I'm reading it right now actually. well...really, i'm reading it in for class a few weeks. But I have a copy of it on my desk. lol I will tell him you enjoyed it though! If i ever get to meet him!
    Also...super excited about my post-colonial class right now. It inspired me to start writing. I'll prob send my thing to you when it's done...i wouldn't exactly call it a short story...but that's the best word my tired mind can come up with. I spent the whole day in immigration. gahh. off to cook dinner!

  5. Ok I don't know Seamus Deane but I do know Seamus Finnigan lol
    Oh and Ash...I soooo absolutely agree with you on the independently wealthy dream is to have a roomful of books and each day I can go have breakfast in or outside a cafe and sit and read my book, then go for a walk in a park and sit and read my book, then have lunch and sit and read my book etc etc etc lol
    Good to have goals mmm?!
    But I beg of you, can you please explain the part time nudist comment!?!??! =p


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