Well whoever nicknamed Chicago the Windy City was either retarded or had never been to Dublin. The wind here feels like it could quite literally blow Chicago away. Thank Heaven for hot tea and digestives and the O'Connell house!
Also, before I forget - I really want to point out how odd it feels to eat pizza in the former home of "The Liberator" or to see that a brokerage has set up shop in the former residence of W.B. Yeats.
I suppose they can't really retire all these buildings though or half of Dublin would be museums! I swear these homes of famous people just pop up everywhere!
Speaking of O'Connell....We took a trek down O'Connell street where we had a great view of The Stiletto in the Ghetto (actually called the Spire of Dublin) and featured in the picture here.
The Irish have some truly creative names for their statues...a lot like ND really. I think my three favourites are as follows:
Two Women or "That Hags with the Bags" - http://www.awaycity.com/wiki/images/thumb/f/fe/Statue_meeting_place.jpg/400px-Statue_meeting_place.jpg - TM this one should be very familiar to you. Haha.
Molly Malone or "The Tart with the Cart" - http://photos.igougo.com/images/p408202-Dublin-Molly_Malone_Statue.jpg
And the very BEST -
Oscar Wilde or "The Fag on the Crag" or "The Queer with the Leer" - http://conodonoghue.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/DublinB074-copy.jpg
Okay...it's now 2am and I have the Irish equivalent of an "early start" tomorrow (10am).
Looking forward to a full day of orientation and free food but missing each and every one of you.
Still.... missing you is worth the trade for the private bathroom! Haha!
keep updating. and please adventure. This is an opportunity to grow unlike any other.